Langoš Fry Day Fry Day are back to dominate the street with the smell of frying oil and garlic. I hear you're all dieting and exercising terribly now, so you should fill up on calories with us! We've got enough for everyone.
❗️Wednesday 25.9 from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m.❗️
1. Street Food
Langoš Fry Day Fry Day aka Jirka Horak and Tomas Valkovic and their fried divine manna. Unquestionably absolutely fantastic langoš, we sincerely hope that this time with their smoked mayonnaise as well, because it really did completely blow us away last time.
2. Tattoos
NVR Tattoo sesh ambassador Jan Psajko Podhradsky, with his little padawan Polly, will once again break up their bloody circus in our office and for a small fee, draw ornaments of various shapes and meanings into your skin.
3. Music
Yan Harmony & ARK3R
We start at 16:00 and welcome only good and free-spirited people who know how to behave in society, are respectful to each other, don't bullshit, don't freak out over pussy, aren't afraid of strangers, cyclists, the world and can pack up in a flash and leave with a smile during closing time so as not to annoy our extremely tolerant neighbours. 💀🖤
We look forward to seeing you!
Never Enough 🤘🏼