Baues Dumpling SOS

Handmade mild hot sauce. Provocative sweet, sour, soy profile.

The Baues project was born out of a love and passion for cooking and food. It started with two years of experimenting in a home kitchen and fine-tuning the ideal flavour profile. Then came distribution among friends and then official sales.

We met Baues while making his merch, which we continue successfully to this day.

In addition to the classic Chilli Oil, we now offer another range of flavourings - our personal favourite - Dumpling Sauce. Mildly spicy, slightly sweet, quite versatile. Don't feel ashamed about spreading it even on a slice of bread.

Information about product




Brand: Baues
330 Kč
Category: Accessories

It is a strongly flavoured and aromatic oil that contains a large proportion of tasty particles. The recipe is based on Sichuan chilli oil. It has a beautiful colour, smell and taste. It is the result of a combination of aromatic spices macerated in hot oil, a blend of several types of hot peppers, sesame seeds, salt, sugar and Sichuan pepper. The production process uses rapeseed oil, which is lightly seasoned with 100% sesame oil.

Chtěli byste si rozšířit paletu chutí, které běžně používáte při vaření a dochucování jídel?

Baví vás lehce a středně pálivá jídla, ale určitě ne šílená pálivost, která potlačí všechno ostatní?

Zajímalo by vás, co vám v puse udělá sečuánský pepř?


Aromatizovaný olej a vyvážená hra chilli, sezamu, cukru, soli a sečuánského pepře.


Pálivost oleje je pouze jednou ze složek chuťového profilu. Nikomu to pusu neutrhne.


Obsah sklenice je ze 2/3 směs křupavých kousků, které si zamilujete.