Baues Chilli Oil
Handmade Sichuan chilli oil. Mild spiciness, complex taste experience.
Baues & Never Enough collab 2021.
Baues Chilli Oil was created out of a love and passion for cooking and food. Two years of experimenting in the kitchen and fine-tuning the ideal flavour profile was at the beginning. Then came distribution amongst the laundry and then official sales. We bring it to you as part of a collaboration in which we produced several pieces of merchandising for Baues Chilli Oil.
Product information
This is a strongly flavoured and aromatic oil, containing a high proportion of tasty particles. The recipe is based on Sichuan chilli oil. It has a beautiful colour, aroma and taste. It is the result of a combination of aromatic spices macerated in hot oil, a blend of several different types of hot peppers, sesame seeds, salt, sugar and Sichuan pepper. The production process uses rapeseed oil, which is lightly seasoned with 100% sesame oil.
We will be happy to answer your questions at:
+420 722 628 811
Or over a beer in our Showroomu
Category: | Accessories |
It is a strongly flavoured and aromatic oil that contains a large proportion of tasty particles. The recipe is based on Sichuan chilli oil. It has a beautiful colour, smell and taste. It is the result of a combination of aromatic spices macerated in hot oil, a blend of several types of hot peppers, sesame seeds, salt, sugar and Sichuan pepper. The production process uses rapeseed oil, which is lightly seasoned with 100% sesame oil.
Chtěli byste si rozšířit paletu chutí, které běžně používáte při vaření a dochucování jídel?
Baví vás lehce a středně pálivá jídla, ale určitě ne šílená pálivost, která potlačí všechno ostatní?
Zajímalo by vás, co vám v puse udělá sečuánský pepř?
Aromatizovaný olej a vyvážená hra chilli, sezamu, cukru, soli a sečuánského pepře.
Pálivost oleje je pouze jednou ze složek chuťového profilu. Nikomu to pusu neutrhne.
Obsah sklenice je ze 2/3 směs křupavých kousků, které si zamilujete.